Are Pool Tables Worth It? Here’s What You Need to Know

As someone who enjoys playing pool, I’ve often wondered if owning are pool tables worth it worth the investment. While it can be a great addition to a home entertainment space, there are certainly some factors to consider before taking the plunge.

First and foremost, it’s important to determine your motivation for owning a pool table. Are you looking to improve your skills and play competitively, or are you simply looking for a fun way to entertain guests at home? This will help you decide what type of table to invest in and how much you’re willing to spend.

Another important consideration is the amount of space you have available in your home. Pool tables can take up a significant amount of room, so it’s important to measure your space carefully and ensure that you have enough room for the table itself as well as any additional space needed for players to move around. Overall, owning a pool table can be a great investment for those who enjoy the game and have the space and budget to accommodate it.

Understanding Pool Table Worth

When considering the worth of a pool table, it is important to look at it from different perspectives. From a monetary perspective, pool tables can range in price from $1,200 to $3,500, depending on the quality and size. Slate tables are more expensive than MDF pool tables, but they offer better quality and durability. Used pool tables can be a great option if you are on a budget, but make sure to inspect them carefully before purchasing.

From a recreational perspective, having a pool table in your home can provide hours of entertainment for you, your family, and your friends. Playing pool has many benefits, including improving hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills and acting as a stress reliever. It is also a great social activity that can bring people together and create friendly competition.

From a cultural perspective, having a pool table in your home can add a decorative and aesthetic element to your game room or living space. It can also be a statement piece in an old house or a way to add style to a modern space. Additionally, pool tables have a long history and are associated with the game of pool, which has been played for over a century.

When purchasing a pool table, it is important to consider the size and space available in your home. Standard-size pool tables are either 7-foot or 8-foot tables, with the playing surface being regulated in size. The weight and legs of the table should also be taken into consideration, as well as any accessories that come with the table, such as pool cues and training cue balls. Maintenance is also important, as proper care can ensure the durability of the table.

The Investment Perspective

As someone who has considered purchasing a pool table, I’ve looked at it from an investment perspective. There are a few things to consider when it comes to the initial cost of purchasing a pool table. The type of pool table you choose will greatly influence the price range. Coin-operated tables tend to be more expensive, while standard pool tables are more budget-friendly. If you’re looking for a tournament-sized table, expect to pay a premium.

The material quality of the pool table will also affect the price. Slate tables are considered the best quality and are what professionals play on. They tend to be more expensive than MDF pool tables. The brand and craftsmanship of the table will also influence the price. If you’re looking for additional features such as customization or convertible tops, expect to pay more.

When it comes to long-term value, it’s important to consider depreciation and resale value. While pool tables don’t appreciate in value, they can hold their value over time. A quality table can last for decades, so it’s important to invest in a durable table that will stand the test of time. Antique pool tables have the potential to increase in value over time, but this is not a guarantee.

Recreational and Social Benefits

I can attest to the many recreational and social benefits that come with owning a pool table. Not only is it a great source of entertainment, but it also provides a fun and interactive way to spend time with family and friends.

Having a pool table in your home can serve as a social hub for gatherings and parties. It’s a great way to break the ice and bring people together, as it provides a platform for friendly competition, conversation, and shared experiences.

Playing pool also provides an opportunity for consistent practice and skill development. With regular play, you can improve your hand-eye coordination and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, owning a pool table can offer the potential for hosting competitions at home, which can be a fun and exciting way to challenge yourself and your guests.

Aside from the recreational benefits, playing pool also offers health and cognitive benefits. The physical act of playing pool requires you to use your entire body, from your arms and shoulders to your legs and core. The act of bending, stretching, and moving around the table helps improve flexibility and increases muscle strength.

Moreover, playing pool can be a great stress reliever. It provides a mental challenge that can help you take your mind off of everyday stressors. Your self-confidence grows as you become a better player, which can help you navigate more difficult areas of life.

Decorative and Aesthetic Appeal

As someone who loves interior design, I can confidently say that pool tables are an excellent addition to any home. They can serve both as furniture and statement pieces, depending on the style and design of the table.

When it comes to the decorative appeal of pool tables, there is a wide variety of options available. You can choose from classic, traditional designs or opt for more modern, contemporary styles. The choice of materials, finishes, and colors can all contribute to the overall aesthetic of the table and its impact on the room.

In terms of style, pool tables can fit in well with a variety of home decor themes. They can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to a room or be a fun and playful addition to a game room. The versatility of pool tables is one of their greatest strengths when it comes to interior design.

I particularly love the way that pool tables can influence the ambiance of a home. They can create a cozy, inviting atmosphere in a game room or provide a focal point for a living area. When placed in the right location, a pool table can become a gathering spot for family and friends, adding to the overall sense of warmth and hospitality in the home.

Practical Considerations

As much as I love playing pool, it’s important to consider some practical aspects before investing in a pool table for your home. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

Space Requirements

When it comes to pool tables, size matters, you’ll need to make sure you have enough space to accommodate the table and provide ample room for players to move around it. The size of your room will determine the size of the table you can get. An 8-foot table is the most common size for home use, but you may need a 7-foot table if space is limited. If you have a larger room, you could consider a 9-foot table.

If you have limited space, there are alternative solutions available such as foldable pool tables or dining top conversions that can save space when not in use.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Owning a pool table requires regular maintenance to keep it in good condition. This includes tasks such as cleaning the playing surface, cushions, and pockets. You’ll also need to replace the felt periodically, which can be done professionally or by yourself if you have the necessary skills.

Professional servicing is recommended every few years to ensure the table is level and the pockets are tight. This can cost a few hundred dollars, depending on your location and the condition of the table.

Durability and Accessories

The durability of a pool table depends on the materials used in its construction. Solid wood tables are the most durable, but they are also the heaviest. Tables with legs made of solid wood or steel are sturdy and provide good support. The playing surface should be made of slate or similar material to ensure a smooth and level playing field.

When purchasing a pool table, consider the accessories that come with it. Some tables come with cues, balls, and a rack, while others require you to purchase these items separately. You may also want to invest in a cover to protect the table when not in use.

The Professional and Competitive Angle

For those looking to compete in tournaments or leagues, having a pool table at home can provide a training ground to work on your shots and techniques.

The standard size for a competitive pool table is 9 feet in length and 4.5 feet in width. This size ensures that players have enough space to maneuver their shots and maintain proper positioning during gameplay. Owning a table of this size can give you an edge in competition by allowing you to practice on the same size table you’ll be playing on in tournaments.

In addition to practicing, owning a pool table can also provide networking and community opportunities. Hosting events and connecting with the local billiards community can help you meet other players, learn new skills, and even find potential teammates for competitions.

When it comes to training, having a quality pool cue and training cue ball can also make a big difference in your performance. Investing in a good pool cue that fits your playing style can help you improve your accuracy and control. Similarly, using a training cue ball can help you work on your ball control and spin techniques.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

As someone who has owned a pool table for several years, I can say that there are both pros and cons to investing in one. Here are some of the things I’ve learned:

Advantages of Owning a Pool Table

  • Entertainment: A pool table can provide hours of entertainment for you and your guests. It’s a great way to socialize and have fun with friends and family.
  • Physical activity: Playing pool requires physical activity, which can be a great way to get some exercise without even realizing it.
  • Practice: If you’re serious about improving your pool game, having a table at home can give you the opportunity to practice whenever you want.
  • Investment: A high-quality pool table can be a good investment, as it will retain its value over time if well maintained.

Potential Drawbacks

  • Space: A pool table takes up a significant amount of space, so you’ll need to have a dedicated room or area for it.
  • Financial considerations: Pool tables can be expensive, especially if you want a high-quality one. You’ll also need to factor in the cost of accessories like cues and balls.
  • Risk of underuse: If you don’t use your pool table regularly, it can become a wasted investment. Make sure you have enough interest in playing to justify the cost.

Making the Decision

When deciding whether to buy a pool table, there are a few factors that should be considered. Firstly, it is important to assess your personal lifestyle and goals. If you are someone who enjoys playing pool frequently and has the space and budget for a pool table, it may be a worthwhile investment. However, if you do not have the space, time, or budget to use a pool table regularly, it may not be the best decision for you.

Another perspective to consider is whether you view a pool table as an investment or a hobby. If you are looking to purchase a high-end pool table from a top brand, it may be more of an investment that will hold its value over time. On the other hand, if you are looking for a fun hobby to enjoy with friends and family, a more affordable option may be the best choice.

When it comes to purchasing a pool table, there are many brands and products to choose from. It is important to do research and determine which brands and models fit within your price range and offer the features you are looking for. Some top picks for pool tables include Brunswick, Olhausen, and Diamond.

Budgeting is also an important consideration when making the decision to purchase a pool table. While there are affordable options available, pool tables can be a significant investment. It is important to set a budget and stick to it to ensure that you are making a responsible financial decision.

Real Owners’ Insights

As someone who has owned a pool table for many years, I can say that it has been a great addition to my home. However, I know that not everyone has had the same experience. After reading countless blog posts and user reviews, I have come to the conclusion that whether or not a pool table is worth it really depends on your personal situation.

One piece of owner advice that I would give is to consider the community aspect of owning a pool table. It can be a great way to entertain friends and family, and it can also be a fun way to meet new people. However, if you do not have a lot of space or if you do not have many people to play with, then it may not be worth the investment.

Another thing to consider is the investment aspect. While pool tables can be expensive, they can also hold their value well over time. If you take care of your table and keep it in good condition, you may be able to sell it for a good price in the future. However, if you do not plan on keeping your table for a long time, then it may not be worth the initial investment.


In conclusion, the question of are pool tables worth it is a deeply subjective one. While some may argue that the cost, space requirements, and maintenance make them impractical investments, others find immense value in the enjoyment, social bonding, and potential for personal growth that pool tables offer.

Ultimately, the worth of a pool table extends beyond its monetary value. It’s about the experiences, memories, and connections that are formed around it. It’s about the friendly rivalries, the laughter, and the moments of triumph. It’s about the conversations had, the skills honed, and the lessons learned.


Does a pool table add value to a home?

Yes, a pool table can add value to a home. Not only does it add a fun and entertaining aspect to a home, but it can also be seen as a luxury item that adds to the overall appeal of the property. However, it is important to note that the value added may not necessarily be equal to the cost of the pool table itself.

What is the life expectancy of a pool table?

The life expectancy of a pool table largely depends on the quality of the table and how well it is maintained. A high-quality pool table that is well-maintained can last for decades, while a cheaper table may only last a few years. It is important to regularly inspect and maintain the table to ensure its longevity.

What are some practical considerations to keep in mind when deciding whether to invest in a pool table?

When deciding whether to invest in a pool table, there are a few practical considerations to keep in mind. First, consider the amount of space you have available in your home. A pool table takes up a significant amount of space and may not be practical for smaller homes or apartments. Additionally, consider the cost of the table and whether it fits within your budget. Finally, think about how often you will use the table and whether it is worth the investment.

Do pool tables hold their value?

Like any other investment, pool tables can hold their value if they are well-maintained and of high quality. However, cheaper tables may not hold their value as well and may require more maintenance over time. It is important to do your research and invest in a high-quality table if you want it to hold its value over time.

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