Pool Table Felt: How to Choose the Best Quality and Style

Pool table felt is an essential component of any billiards game. It plays a crucial role in the overall performance of the game and can impact the way a player approaches each shot. The right type of felt can make all the difference in the world when it comes to the accuracy of shots and the overall enjoyment of the game.

There are several types of pool table felt available on the market today, each with its own unique characteristics and benefits. Some of the most popular types of felt include wool, nylon, and a combination of both. Wool is known for its durability and smooth playing surface, making it a popular choice among serious billiards players. Nylon, on the other hand, is more affordable and easier to maintain, making it a great choice for casual players or those on a budget. The combination of wool and nylon offers the best of both worlds, providing a durable playing surface that is also easy to maintain.

When selecting pool table felt, it is important to consider the type of game being played, the skill level of the players, and the overall style of the table. The right felt can make all the difference in the world when it comes to the accuracy of shots and the overall enjoyment of the game. With so many options available, it is important to do your research and choose the felt that best fits your needs and playing style.

Understanding Pool Table Felt

History and Evolution of Billiard Cloth

Pool table felt has a rich history that dates back to the early days of billiards. In the past, billiard tables were covered with a variety of materials including canvas, baize, and even blankets. However, these materials were not ideal for billiards as they were prone to wear and tear, and did not provide a consistent playing surface.

The first true billiard cloth was made of wool and was introduced in the 16th century. This woolen cloth felt was napped, meaning that it had a fuzzy surface that helped to hold the balls in place. Over time, technological advancements in felt production led to the development of worsted pool table felt. This napless felt was smoother and faster than its woolen counterpart, and provided a more consistent playing surface.

Types of Pool Table Felt

Today, there are two main types of pool table felt: woolen (napped) felt and worsted (napless) felt. Woolen felt is made from woven wool and is the traditional choice for pool table felt. It is softer and slower than worsted felt, and is often used on home pool tables.

Worsted felt, on the other hand, is made from tightly woven wool and is much faster and more durable than woolen felt. It is the preferred choice for professional pool players and is used on most tournament tables.

In addition to these two main types of pool table felt, there are also blended wool and synthetic mixtures available. These mixtures offer a combination of the characteristics of both woolen and worsted felt, and are often used on mid-range pool tables.

When choosing pool table felt, it is important to consider factors such as speed, durability, and playability. While worsted felt is generally considered to be the superior choice, it may not be necessary for all players and tables. Ultimately, the choice of pool table felt will depend on personal preference and the intended use of the table.

Choosing the Right Felt for Your Table

When it comes to choosing the right pool table felt, there are several factors to consider. The material chosen for the felt can greatly affect the playing experience, so it’s important to take the time to choose the right one. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Factors to Consider

Table size and style

The size and style of your pool table will play a big role in determining the type of felt you need. Standard-sized tables typically require a 9-foot cloth, while smaller or larger tables may require a different size. Additionally, custom orders may require a specific type of felt to fit the unique dimensions and style of the table.

Frequency of play and skill level

The amount of use your table will receive and the skill level of the players can also impact your choice of felt. If you plan to use your table frequently or have advanced players, you may want to invest in a higher quality felt that can withstand heavy use and provide better performance.

Environmental factors and table location

Finally, environmental factors such as humidity and temperature can also affect the performance of your felt. If your table is located in a damp or humid area, you may want to choose a felt that is more resistant to moisture.

Popular Felt Brands and Their Features

Here are a few of the most popular pool table felt brands and their unique features:


Simonis is a top choice for professional players due to its speed and precision. Made from worsted wool, Simonis felt provides a consistent playing surface and minimal ball burn. It comes in a variety of colors to match any table.


Championship felt is known for its durability and is a great choice for high-traffic areas. Made from wool and nylon, it can withstand heavy use without showing signs of wear and tear. Championship felt comes in a range of colors and is available in both standard and custom sizes.


ProForm felt offers a balance of performance and affordability. Made from a blend of wool and nylon, it provides a smooth playing surface and is resistant to stains and spills. ProForm felt is available in a variety of colors and is a great choice for casual players or those on a budget.

Overall, there are a few key things to keep in mind when choosing the right pool table felt. Consider the size and style of your table, the frequency of use, and any environmental factors that may impact the performance of the felt. With a few options to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect felt for your table.

The Color of Your Play: Pool Table Felt Colors

The color of a pool table’s felt can have a significant impact on a player’s game. Traditionally, green has been the most popular color for pool table felt due to its association with the game’s origins and its ability to provide a high contrast against the balls, making it easier for players to see and aim. However, green can also cause eye fatigue over time, particularly in bright lighting conditions.

In recent years, modern color options and customization have become increasingly popular. The two most commonly used colors for pool table felt, besides green, are blue and red. Blue felt can reduce eye fatigue and create a sleek and contemporary look, while red felt can add a bold and exciting atmosphere to a game room. Other colors, such as orange, purple, and black, are also gaining popularity for homeowners.

When choosing a pool table felt color, it is important to consider the psychological effects of color on gameplay. For example, green is associated with stability, balance, and tranquility, which can help players maintain focus and concentration during a game. Blue, on the other hand, is associated with calmness, trust, and confidence, which can help players feel more relaxed and confident during a game. Red is associated with excitement, passion, and energy, which can help players feel more motivated and competitive during a game.

Ultimately, the choice of pool table felt color depends on personal preference and the intended atmosphere of the game room. Neutral tones can provide a classic and timeless look, while bold and vibrant colors can add personality and excitement to a space. It is important to consider both the practical and aesthetic aspects of pool table felt color when making a decision.

Installing Pool Table Felt

Replacing the felt on a pool table is a great way to give it a fresh new look and feel. It can also improve the playing experience, as worn or damaged felt can affect the ball’s roll. Whether you are installing new pool table felt on a brand new table or refelting an older one, it is important to follow the correct steps for a smooth and successful installation.

Tools and Materials Needed for DIY Installation

Before starting the installation process, gather all the necessary tools and materials. Here is a list of the most common items needed for a DIY installation:

  • New pool table felt
  • Staple remover
  • Screwdriver
  • Scissors
  • Staple gun
  • Pool table brush
  • Pool table cleaner

Step-by-Step Guide to Laying and Stretching Felt

  1. Begin by removing the old felt from the table using a staple remover and screwdriver. Be careful not to damage the playing surface during this process.
  2. Clean the table thoroughly with a pool table cleaner and brush to remove any debris or dirt.
  3. Lay the new felt over the playing surface and smooth it out, making sure it is centered and straight.
  4. Starting at the center of the table, staple the felt to the slate bed. Work your way outwards, stapling every few inches until you reach the edges of the table.
  5. Once the felt is secured to the slate bed, stretch it tightly and staple it to the rails. Make sure to pull the felt taut to avoid any wrinkles or bumps.
  6. Trim any excess felt with scissors, leaving a small overhang to fold under the rails.
  7. Fold the felt under the rails and staple it in place, making sure to keep the felt tight and smooth.
  8. Finally, use a pool table brush to brush the felt in the direction of the pockets, which will help to keep it clean and free of debris.

When to Call in the Professionals

While it is possible to install pool table felt yourself, it can be a challenging and time-consuming process. If you are not confident in your DIY skills or do not have the necessary tools, it may be best to call in a professional. Additionally, if your table has any structural damage or needs repairs, it is important to have it inspected by a professional before attempting to replace the felt.

Whether you are installing new pool table felt on a brand new table or refelting an older one, following these steps will help ensure a successful installation. With a little patience and attention to detail, you can have your pool table looking and playing like new in no time.

Maintaining Your Pool Table Felt

Pool table felt is a crucial element of the game, and its maintenance is vital for ensuring the longevity and playability of your pool table. Regular cleaning and care can help extend the life of your felt, while replacement may be necessary if it becomes damaged or worn over time.

Cleaning and Care

To keep your pool table felt in good condition, regular brushing and vacuuming techniques should be used. A dedicated felt brush should be used to remove chalk residue and other debris from the table’s surface. The brush should be used in a straight direction, starting from one end of the table and working towards the other.

A low suction vacuum with an upholstery attachment can also be used to clean the felt, but caution should be taken to avoid damaging the fabric. It is recommended to use a vacuum with a low suction setting to prevent the felt from being tugged or ripped from the table entirely.

Spot cleaning spills and chalk marks is also important to maintain the quality of the felt. A damp cloth can be used to gently remove any stains or marks. It is important to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning materials that could damage the felt.

Preventative measures can also be taken to avoid damage and pilling of the felt. For instance, players should avoid leaning on the table or placing sharp objects on the surface. It is also recommended to cover the table when not in use to protect the felt from dust and debris.

Felt Replacement

Signs that your felt needs replacement include obvious holes, tears, or pilling that cannot be fixed with simple cleaning or maintenance tips. Minor scratches or marks can usually be removed with a damp cloth or brushing, but obvious signs of wear and tear may require a new felt for the pool table.

The estimated lifespan of different felt types can vary depending on the material used to cover the pool table. For instance, billiard felt made from wool or a wool blend can last up to 10 years with proper care, while synthetic felt may need to be replaced more frequently.

In summary, maintaining your pool table felt is crucial for ensuring the longevity and playability of your pool table. Regular brushing and vacuuming techniques, spot cleaning spills and chalk marks, and preventative measures can help extend the life of your felt. Signs that your felt needs replacement include obvious holes, tears, or pilling that cannot be fixed with simple cleaning or maintenance tips.

Enhancing Game Performance with Quality Felt

Pool table felt is an important playing surface that can greatly impact the overall quality of the game. The optimal surface for a pool table is a flat, level playing area with a high-quality pool table felt. The felt should be checked for any damages or wear and tear to ensure the best playing experience.

The entire space around the pool table should also be taken into consideration. The playing area should be free of any obstructions or distractions that could affect the game.

The relationship between felt and ball speed is an important factor to consider. The type of felt used can affect the speed at which the ball rolls. Woolen felt offers a smoother surface for the ball to roll on, resulting in faster ball speeds. Nylon felt, on the other hand, is more durable and resistant to wear and tear.

The effects of felt on spin and cue ball control should also be taken into account. The type of felt used can affect the amount of spin that can be put on the ball, as well as the level of cue ball control. Better quality felt results in a more accurate game and allows for greater control over the cue ball.

Tips for adjusting play to new felt conditions include taking the time to get used to the new surface and adjusting your shot accordingly. It is also important to keep the felt clean and free of any debris or spills that could affect the playing surface.

In summary, the quality of the pool table felt is an important factor in enhancing game performance. A high-quality felt surface can result in faster ball speeds, greater cue ball control, and a more accurate game overall. Taking the time to ensure the playing area is free of distractions and adjusting play to new felt conditions can greatly improve the overall playing experience.

Felt Innovations and Future Trends

As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, manufacturers are exploring eco-friendly and sustainable materials to produce pool table felt. This move towards sustainability has resulted in the creation of pool table felts made from recycled materials. These materials are durable and long-lasting, making them a great choice for pool table felt.

In addition to sustainability, technological advancements are being made to enhance the longevity and playability of pool table felt. For example, some manufacturers are incorporating moisture-wicking technology into their pool table felt to prevent the buildup of moisture and sweat. This technology helps to keep the felt dry and clean, which in turn increases its lifespan.

Another technological innovation is the use of anti-static materials in pool table felt. This helps to prevent static buildup, which can cause balls to stick to the felt and affect the game’s outcome. Anti-static pool table felt also helps to reduce the amount of dust and debris that can accumulate on the felt, making it easier to maintain.

When it comes to pool table felt and bumpers, there are also additional features to consider. Some pool table felts come with built-in bumpers that help to protect the table’s rails and cushions. These bumpers can be made from a variety of materials, including rubber and foam, and can be customized to match the color of the felt.

Overall, the future of pool table felt looks bright. With advancements in sustainability and technology, players can expect to enjoy longer-lasting, higher-quality pool table felt that enhances their playing experience.


In conclusion, the choice of pool table felt is crucial for an optimal playing experience. The type of felt used can impact the quality of gameplay, and it is essential to choose wisely. Wool and nylon blends are the most popular materials for pool tables, as they are durable, consistent, and resistant to wear and tear.

It is also important to note that the felt’s color can impact the game’s aesthetics, and some manufacturers incorporate Teflon coatings into their fabrics to enhance the longevity of pool table felt. Teflon provides a protective layer that guards against spills, stains, and wear and tear, ensuring that the felt retains its pristine appearance and performance for years to come.

Recap of the critical role felt plays in billiards: Pool table felt is a crucial component of any billiards game. It provides a smooth surface for the balls to roll on, ensuring that players can make accurate shots. The choice of felt can impact the quality of gameplay, and it is important to choose wisely.

Encouraging informed choices for an enhanced playing experience: By understanding the different types of pool table felt available and their respective advantages and disadvantages, players can make informed choices that will enhance their playing experience.


Answering the most common questions about pool table felt.

Pool table felt is an essential part of any pool table setup. It is the surface on which the balls roll and slide, and it is important to have the right type of felt that is durable and long-lasting. Here are some frequently asked questions about pool table felt:

What is pool table felt made of?

Pool table felt is usually made of a blend of wool and nylon or wool and polyester. The wool provides a smooth surface for the balls to roll on, while the nylon or polyester adds durability to the felt.

How often should pool table felt be replaced?

Pool table felt should be replaced every few years, depending on how often the table is used. If the felt is starting to show signs of wear and tear, such as bald spots or tears, it is time to replace it. Pet hair and other debris can also accumulate on the felt, making it necessary to replace it more frequently.

What are the signs that pool table felt needs to be replaced?

The signs that pool table felt needs to be replaced include bald spots, tears, and stains that cannot be removed. If the felt is starting to look worn or faded, it is time to replace it.

How do you clean pool table felt?

To clean pool table felt, use a soft brush or vacuum cleaner to remove any debris or dust. Avoid using any harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as these can damage the felt. If there are any stains on the felt, use a damp cloth to gently blot the area, being careful not to rub the stain in.

How do you choose the right pool table felt?

When choosing pool table felt, consider factors such as the type of pool table you have, the level of play, and the color of the felt. Woolen felt is generally considered to be the best option, as it provides a smooth surface for the balls to roll on. The color of the felt should complement the room and reduce eye strain.

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